This is our family garden blog, where we share our trials and errors as well as our successes with friends and family.
Yes, the picture of the lizard is one I took, see the butterfly wings sticking out of his mouth?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Seeds, Seeds and more Seeds

It's not only Christmas Time, it's seed shopping time. If you want to get what you want, and you want good quality, heriloom (non-GMO or Genetically Mutilated Modified) seeds NOW is the time to order your catalogs, if they still have them in stock that is.

January 1 is the time to order here (I would prefer to do it December 1, but that's not up to me), we start planting indoors January 21 then stagger from there. I used The Farmers Almanac, Plan Garden, and Neil Sperry's "Complete Guide To Texas Gardening" to plan when to start which seeds. Some will be done inside and others will wait until the danger of the last frost is gone. If this is your first visit check out my post on using your gardening time wisely in the fall and winter.

My recommendations for seeds and their catalogs are Baker Creek Seeds, Seeds of Change, and Seed Savers. All three of these sites/places have some GREAT books, articles and tips for gardening. We ordered from Baker Creek Seeds last year and were NOT disappointed.


Holly @ Domestic Dork January 8, 2010 at 3:04 PM  

Alas, I have a black thumb. I killed my Chia pet.

We are going to try and grow mint on our windowsill though. I'm calling it the mojito garden!

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