This is our family garden blog, where we share our trials and errors as well as our successes with friends and family.
Yes, the picture of the lizard is one I took, see the butterfly wings sticking out of his mouth?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More on Monsanto

Here is another article about the class action lawsuit filed against Monsanto

An interesting read on GMO's.

No GMO Shopping Guide

A lot more info on GMO's.

Happy Gardening,

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Big Seed Companies

I'm not going to repeat my 2 cents worth on Big Seed Companies (1 really) suing farmers.  You want to know how I feel watch King Corn and Food Inc.

However, FINALLY someone is stepping up and taking action.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

FDA Recalls

I added a widget to the bottom right of my page, it just would not fit on the sides, that lists FDA Recalls. Two of interest are a recall on a McCormick Product, and Skippy peanut butter.

Want a recipe for making (and growing if you want to) your own peanut butter, try HERE.

Happy Gardening,

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Okay, last year was a bad year for bugs in my garden, unless you were a bug, then it was a good year.  Thanks to a post on the SFG Forum (Square Foot Garden) I found something that gave me hope, maybe because it was a video and not just a post of instructions.  The post is HERE.  Short on time, here is the video.  Oh, and they use dish washing soap.

I also found out that squash bugs DO NOT come with the seeds, fancy that.  Here is a video on bugs that hang out in your squash, and after they kill them head on over to other plants.  Don't bother telling me the don't, I've seen them in my maters, m ypeas, and everything else I have.

Happy Gardening,

Don't know what to get the gardener in your life?  Try my suggestions on the left or maybe one of these.

Friday, February 18, 2011

February 18, 2011

I just thought I would share a picture of what we did in the garden in February, in between cold snaps and snows.

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